Monday, April 29, 2013



With Home Made Jam and Coconut Whip Cream!

Uncooked, After the Jam is Added


Before the Jam is Added
For the Macaroons

2 Cups of Coconut (unsweetened, flaked)
1.5 Cups of Almond Flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 - 3/4 Cup of Honey (depends on how sweet you like them)
2.5 TBSP Coconut oil / 2 - 3 TBSP Butter

I made Blueberry Jam
For the Chia Seed Jam

3 Cups of Frozen Berries (Raspberry, Blueberry or Blackberry)
1/4 Cup of Honey (this jam isn't very sweet)
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1 TBSP pure vanilla extract


  • For the Chia Seed Jam; Put the frozen or fresh berries in a pot, add the honey and stir until liquidy with a few berries (should look like jam). Bring the pot to a simmer; after 5 minutes add the chia seeds and cook down the mixture for about 15 minutes (should thicken) - STIR FREQUENTLY TO AVOID BURNING YOUR JAM! Remove from heat, stir in your vanilla and put in the fridge to chill.
Baked till golden brown
  • Preheat the oven to 275F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a non stick mat. 
  • In a large bowl combine all the ingredients together for the macaroon recipe. Using your electric beaters mix all the ingredients together. The dough is wet and sticky but this is normal.
  • Grab a large spoonful of the dough, roll it into a ball and place it onto the lined tray. Using your thumb, make a print in the middle of the cookie. Repeat this process until the tray is full - PUT YOUR TRAY IN THE FRIDGE SO THEY FIRM UP.
  • When you are ready to bake, first spoon your jam mixture into the holes in the cookies and then put them into the oven. 
  • Bake at 275 for 20 minutes then rotate the pan and bake for another 20 minutes. 
  • These cookies should be golden brown when fully baked and after a couple of minutes on the pan, firm enough to transfer them onto a cooling rack and then into the fridge.

Coconut Whip Cream:


1 Can of coconut Cream
1 tsp of pure vanilla extract
1-2 Tbsp Honey
1/4 of a vanilla pod (optional - really adds to the vanilla flavoring and color)



  • Open your can of Coconut cream, drain off the liquid (keep for shakes later) and keep the cream.
  • Put your cream in your chilled mixing bowl (the bowl should be freezing) and mix on 3-4 speed with your electric beaters.
  • When it's whip cream texture add the vanilla, honey and vanilla seeds (in the pod, scrape them out - don't put the pod itself into the cream) and whip it again.
  • Put the cream in the fridge (taste it first, you may want to add more honey or vanilla extract)
When you are ready to serve your cookies, put a cookie on the plate, pour some cream over the top (or purposefully place with a spoon) and add a dollop of jam in the center of the cream. Serve with a fork and a cup of tea or coffee! ENJOY!

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