My First 20 Minutes

How To Begin

I cleared the clutter away from the machine. It looked at me and I at it, I sighed, lowered the half that will cause me to look like a mouse on its wheel and turned the power on. I jumped on, that's the only way to start you know, no tiptoeing or gently easing in. You either have to 'go big or go home' when it comes to taking your health by the horns; and so today, January 19, 2013 I did just that. I got on my treadmill. 

I pushed the start button and began to move. I punched the arrow up until I was walking at a 4.4 pace. I had my ankle weights on and was walking.  It only lasted for 20 minutes, I wasn't interested in longer. I counted down the time and it seemed to take longer than I wanted it to. 

BUT GUESS WHAT?! It wasn't bad at all. I even made it without vomiting (this happens after I push myself too hard after not working out for long periods of time), getting stomach cramps or feeling like a train knocked me over. I have a slight pain in my lungs, as if I was breathing cold mountain air at a quick rate, which trust me I was not. I have that slight feeling of working out, but nothing that is going to cause enormous amounts of pain and agony or paralysis tomorrow morning. 

I feel accomplished, wonderful and exhilarated! My heart and lungs got a wee work out and I realized something. Because I lost 20 pounds before getting on the treadmill I am actually in better shape than I previously thought. This is exciting because it means that tomorrow (God willing) I can go a little faster or even try jogging for five minutes. 

I'm going to slowly build up. None of this rushing into things like I usually try to do (which by the way generally fails, because I'm too exhausted to continue, or think I cannot achieve my goals as they were too lofty at the start - instead of at the finish). 

My goal for the first week; January 19 - 25, 2013 is to walk for 20 minutes each day and if I have the energy, then to add some light jogging in there for no more than 5 minutes maximum. I want to walk between a 4.0 and a 5.0 with my ankle weights on and if I'm walking slower then to add arm weights as well.

I will keep you updated as to my weight loss, energy, and fitness as my journey continues. If you are just starting out on your fitness journey let me encourage you, starting is the hard part, quitting is the easy part and making a change for life is the goal. 

So cheers, to a healthier, happier, more rounded 2013 to you and I!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish I had a treadmill but I dont need one. I have beautiful country roads to run on. Now to just.get.out.there....Love ya Laura! Tansy

    1. Sunday, it's morning and I just finished my second 20 minutes. Now I need to get my butt in that shower and get ready for church. However... I DID IT!
