Saturday, May 11, 2013

BREAD (grain free - tastes good)


1/2 cup of coconut flour
1 1/4 cups almond flour
1/4 cup ground chia seeds or flax seeds (i ground my chia seeds up in the magic bullet)
5 eggs
1/4 tsp sea salt
4 TBSP coconut oil (heat up to liquid form in microwave then cool off)
1 TBSP apple cider vinigar
2 Tbsp honey
1/2 tsp baking soda

*This makes a smaller loaf of bread so you will want to double it if you're hoping 
for a normal sized loaf


1. Blend all dry ingredients in a bowl and in a separate bowl all the wet ingredients
2. Make sure to blend the eggs till frothy, about 3 minutes THEN stir the honey and vinegar into the eggs.
3. Mix the dry ingredients into the wet
4. Scoop your batter into a well greased loaf pan
I cut the loaf in half and then sliced the wrong way
5. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes (until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean)
6. Cool and Serve

This recipe enables you to have sandwiches, buns for burgers or toast in the morning while on the SCD


  1. Have you tried grinding your own almond flour and cocoanut flour? And can you do a week in picture of your food? Just names and pictures of everything you eat? Also where do you get your chia seeds? Thanks Sis ~ T

    1. you can make your own but if you go to far then you get butter. we buy our flour online as it's cheaper when you buy it in bulk and have it shipped to point roberts in the states. i get my chia seeds wherever they are on sale (price smart, health food store, whole foods etc). As for a week in the life of Laura (Food Wise) I feel as if I am too busy for that at this time but I will take note of this request and try to do it when I have a "freer" week. I also started working out this past week and so that's making a HUGE difference right now. I have found that I've stopped losing weight (I thought I would) and even gained 0.2 pounds but am measuring myself to track the inches I now lose vs. the weight. I'll keep you and the blog updated as much as I can but between Nannying, Mary Kay, being married and Food and Working out it's taking up a lot of time right now.
      Love you!
      So proud of every good choice you have and are making - you are inspiring!!!
