Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Working Out - 5 days and counting

Everybody starts somewhere, so I made a decision, hopped on my treadmill and did just that.

Day 1 I ran 1 mile in 10 mins and 6 seconds. I lifted weights for my arms, added in squats and finished with sit ups done at various angles.

Day 2 was similar but with time shaved off of my mile as was day 3 and day 4 (I ran 1 mile in 9 mins and 28 seconds).

So today is day 5 and I ran 1.44 miles in 14 mins and 30 seconds.

It was hard, I was huffing and puffing. I ran at a 6.0 miles per hour pace the whole time. Needless to say I am making progress. It's small but it's there. I'm going for total body health, cardio, muscles, etc. I want a healthy body, organs and mind! I am excited and determined.

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