Name: Laura
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
Age: 28 years old
Weight: 162.4 pounds, As of Jan 19, I weigh 160.4 lbs, as of Feb 2, I weigh 158.4 lbs; as of Feb 16, 2013 I weigh 152.0 lbs; as of March 2013 I weigh 150 lbs
I started this new way of eating at 180 pounds and nine weeks later, I have lost eighteen of them. My goal weight lost is 50 pounds which will have me weighing 130 pounds total. The reason I'm doing this is that I want to be a fit mother one day who can run after my children and play for hours without tiring out after 5 minutes. I also want to live a long life where I can be active, agile, and independent in my old age.
I decided to begin this diet with my husband in support of him so he wouldn't be all alone in what he could / couldn't eat. Now as I'm further in I'm so glad I made those choices as my body is eliminating fats, bad bacteria and waste that would have stayed otherwise. I want a healthy body to house my babies in one day. I want to be fit so I will feel good about myself and I want to learn self control so I can pass it on to my children in the future and benefit myself and my husband today.
It only takes a moment of courage to make the change, a pinch of craziness to turn your life around and a large dose of passion to keep going.
You WILL feel awful for the first week or two or three. What got me through was my friend Amy making me a delicious salad when I felt tired, hungry and depleted of all food making abilities. Her salad reminded me that I could cook and create delicious meals within our food constraints that my husband and I would feel excited to eat and not feel condemned to the food before us.
THANK YOU AMY and thank you to all who are striving to change.
I love the 'pinch of craziness' that is awesome. And the 'large does of passion'! So happy for Amy in your life and all she has done. So proud of you for your courage and dedication to this! It is so inspiring! Love Tansy