Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Life in a Nutshell

Okay so if you are trying to manoever your way around my blog it's okay because it's VERY new and so am I. As I go you may find articles moving as I figure out where they should go and how to categorize them properly instead of having them all lump together. Don't worry, I'm a quick learner and hopefully it won't be long before I am in the swing of things.

So I started this blog because my friends have encouraged me to as I post recipes and encouragements on Face Book.

My husband Raymond is 28 years old, is 6'7 and has something called Ulcerative Colitis. Ulcerative colitis is a disease that randomly strikes men (sometimes women) in their early twenties or sixties. The bad bacteria in your body goes out of control and your body sees your large intestine as something to destroy, rather than the part of your body that digests food and eliminates waste. So you have to go to the doctor and get on all this horrible medication that is an immune suppressant and have colonoscopies and lose a bunch of weight that you may not have been able to afford in the first place. If you are having a flare up you will not be able to control when and where you have to go to the bathroom and many people with this disease are house bound during these times. It's embarrassing, debilitating and you may even end up in the hospital on a feeding tube if you get too out of control as your body can barely digest anything during a flare up.

My husband has been living with this disease for about 7-8 years now and we've been married for 2 and a bit. He heard about this diet from a friend whose son has crohn's disease, (a similar disease) has been on the diet and whose disease is gone, so I said "Why not?" I got rid of all of our food and restocked with "diet friendly food" and we've been on our journey for about 9 weeks now.

Our hope for this dietary change is that it will kill all the bacteria in his body and allow for a fresh start. Basically we are rebooting his system so that the bad bacteria goes back to normal and the disease disappears. It is a very difficult diet and is very limiting. While I do not suggest you begin our diet I do think it will be helpful if you have dietary issues of your own. For example we cannot have grains so every recipe I post is gluten free. We also cannot have any dairy so it is a lactose free diet as well. If you have a problem with starches and sugars well, we can't have those either.

Welcome to our lives and I hope our stories, recipes and encouragements help you and that my findings on GM products help you make wise decisions about the foods you and your family are digesting.


  1. My brothers got a similar but less serious condition...two of us eat a lot of salads n we try to eat healthy. look fwd to new ideas..n good luck with your diet!

    1. Thank You, It's too bad about your brother. I will be having more meal plans and approximate costs etc as I go. As of right now I have posted more sauces and snacks because we have found that's what's harder to find to eat. Good luck with your healthy eating as well and I hope that your brother can get better as well!
