Saturday, February 16, 2013


Braces and the Flu are Contributing Factors for Today's Weigh In

So for the past 2 weeks I have been living off shakes. Not by purely by choice but because I got braces and with that came spacers. Spacers are little white bumps of hard glue or cement that keep any of my molars from touching. Their purpose is to keep my top front teeth from biting the bottom front brackets off when I chew due to my large over bight. However, because of how high the spacers are, I cannot chew anything as none of my teeth touch each other. I've tried, but it consists of me swallowing whole foods which is to say the least, unpleasant.

I have a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch and lots of water during the day. Sometimes I have a shake for a snack as well but my appetite has gone down since this whole spacers fiasco. My biggest concern is that the spacers won't be able to come off at the end of the 4 weeks if my teeth haven't shifted enough and I'll be stuck with not eating for even longer!

I also just finished a terrible bout of the flu which only lasted 24 hours but where I couldn't move or drink without vomiting. It was so sad. 

The reason I told you those 2 things is that they are small but definitely contributing factors. I lost another 5 pounds this week and at this point in the game a person usually loses 1 - 2 pounds per week as I had been doing up until this week. 

My goal weight to reach on this journey of learning to eat right, exercise and get healthy is 130 pounds. I have lost a total of 28 pounds and 14 weeks ago I was 180 pounds. I'm currently weighing in at 152 pounds and I'm so proud of my bodies hard work. 

For exercise I have been doing push ups (I'm up to 20 full body push ups in a row), sit ups, squats (with a weight) and my cardio consists of walks. Nothing too fancy or strenuous, but right now with my food limitations I can't afford to push myself. 

I'm really excited to be weighing in at 152 pounds in such a short time! I can't believe my body has done this all by itself and that by eating the proper foods my body knows what weight it needs and what is excess. 

I'm really excited to continue eating and living the way I want (I still enjoy home made cookies and candies according to the SCD recipes) and having all this extra energy that comes naturally from not carrying around an extra 28 pounds on my body!

So whether you've lost zero pounds because you're just starting, one pound or hundreds of pounds CONGRATULATIONS! Keep up the great work of balancing, eating right, enjoying treats here and there and exercising your way to a healthier, happier, more energetic you! 


  1. 120 pouds is how much I weight right now. You might end up looking a little skeletal! However I am proud of you for all you've done so far!!! Tansy

    1. Margie (our sister) is 2 inches shorter than me and weighs 115 lbs and I don't mind how she looks so I would look about the same. I'm not going for skeletal at all but healthy so if I need to stop before my goal I have no problem doing so. Love you and hope you have a great day!
