Saturday, January 19, 2013


These weight loss changes are 100% due to changing what I eat. I have not worked out  during the course of these 5 months. 

So many of you have asked for the BEFORE and AFTER photos. This decision was a difficult one as growing up in my household was not one for the faint of heart for many reasons, one of them being weight. My mother has struggled with an eating disorder since she was 11 years old and things like that cannot help themselves but must spread to the other members of the family as well. My parents had 4 daughters and 1 son and all of us are very conscious of our appearance and weight. 

I was married in October 2010 to a wonderful man and over the next 2 years the demons of my past burst their way into our marriage and caused a lot of confusion, chaos, depression, anger, frustration, sadness and loss. I gained 50 pounds as lethargy and depression took over and eventually exhaustion as I poured myself into my work. 
Please understand I'm not making any excuses. I just want you to know that there are reasons for someone to go from a seemingly fit, healthy lifestyle to just "letting myself go" without so much as a whisper of a fight. It was the way I coped, pushed my husband away and thought I should be treated. 

I also want to add that my husband never gave up on me and has continued to pursue me throughout all of this. It hasn't been easy and nobody is perfect. However both of us have continuously been working on ourselves and our marriage and ARE more in love today, stronger and committed than we were in our first and even second year. Marriage is hard, but worth each moment, and an opportunity to grow, change and heal, love, accept and move on (and so much more). 

So here I am, before and in progress. I cary my goal picture around in my wallet so that I can see my potential and stay away from temptation. I hope it's inspiring and gives you the motivation to keep working toward your goals and to begin healing and to love yourself and to take care of yourself.

I believe you can do it too! 

@ 180 lbs 

@ 143 lbs


Cauliflower Crust Pizza - TOPPINGS


Choose your favorite toppings. I like: peppers, chicken, onion, tomatoes, goat cheese, mushrooms, steak, olives, spinach, Cheddar Cheese, bacon etc.

Make sure you precook your toppings before putting them on your pizza!

  • Saute the onions in a bit of oil with s/p (you can put them on raw if you like them crunchy)
  • Fry up your mushrooms with a bit of butter or with your bacon
  • Saute your red or yellow peppers
  • Precook any MEATS you are going to add as a topping: chicken, steak, bacon etc.

Things like; spinach, goat cheese, tomatoes, olives, cheddar cheese, or pineapple DO NOT PRE COOK.

  1. Make your crust.
  2. Cook your toppings.
  3. Take your cooked crust, add your toppings and cheese, then put the whole pizza in the oven at 400 F until your cheese is melted and it's bubbly and brown.
  4. Take out and EAT!

Extra Bonus:

Pizza Sauce - 2 large, firm tomatoes. 3 Fresh basil leaves. S/P to taste. BLEND together. Strain off any extra juice. Spread over your ALREADY COOKED pizza crust. Add Toppings. Bake. Eat.

Starting Out

So for anyone who has been going through life, eating whatever and whenever they wanted, a serious diet change for specific health reasons can be quite daunting. It's not easy to no longer be allowed to satisfy that craving for refined sugars (donuts, cakes, cookies, pop, juice etc), delicious starches (baked potato anyone), melt in your mouth grains (fresh cinnamon buns or baked bread), or cold, creamy dairy (ice cream, milk shakes, cheese). But I hope through my experiences, stories and recipes you will find that you don't have to be deprived of desserts and great cooking; you just have to be creative, and creativity needs inspiration and motivation.

Eleven weeks ago I ate cookies, cakes, donuts, ice cream, dressings, tarter sauce, breads, corn, chips and dips etc. I love food! Then my husband started talking about this restricted diet that could change his life and help his body to heal itself. I couldn't say no to the possibility of his being healed and whole; the strong, energetic, outgoing man I know he can be. So that weekend I got rid of $1000 worth of groceries both canned and fresh and we started all over again.

It wasn't easy saying goodbye to all that food that we had stock piled, especially since I come from a poor family and part of that was we didn't always have enough to eat. Food is important to me and if it's there I feel as if it will all be ok. You don't have to have a big fancy house, you don't have to have fancy cars or hundreds of different outfits, you don't even have to have the highest paying job. You do however HAVE to have food and clean drinking water!

So in saying all that, here's why I'm doing this. I began this journey in 100% support of my husband. Can you imagine your significant other or child being deprived of all their favorite things while you go ahead and munch on whatever you want every meal and snack? Or when you are out, if you want to go into a restaurant for a quick bite because you're hungry, but there is nothing on the menu that they can eat? I mean if they cheat, it could really mean life or death. They didn't "choose" to do this because they want to get healthier (at least not for the reasons most of us diet and exercise). No, they chose this way of life to try and get off medications that are destroying their bodies or because it's a last hope or attempt at being able to live a normal life. I couldn't just go on the way I was without him. I felt compelled to not only start this journey for him (giving away all our food and researching what he could / couldn't have) but to also start the journey with him.

Now that we are eleven weeks in I am so grateful for this change. There have been many changes beginning to take place in my family which include a career change, going down to one income and planning for our future children. The first two are givens, we cannot have the one without the other and we want to do this debt free! The third really relies on ME.

About a year ago I started thinking about getting pregnant (seriously considering all the factors) and the biggest thing on my mind was my body. I had gained 50 pounds and was living in depression, sadness and poor eating habits. I knew I didn't want to house my baby in the body I was currently supporting. I knew I had to make changes but I just couldn't seem to do something drastic enough for the weight to drop or the eating patterns to change and it was a vicious cycle of frustration and anger toward myself and my body. But when my husband started talking about this diet that could change his life forever I new I could do this for him and with him. So I did.

I have lost 20 pounds as of today, I feel so much better physically and my energy has gone way up. My joy has returned and my self confidence is seeping back in. Everything takes time. All we have is time, and as I thought about that question, "why not?" squeezed its way in. If all I have is time then why not do what I want with that time. If I want to lose weight and get a healthy body to cary my babies in, why not start today? If I wait until I'm ready to get pregnant and haven't done anything to change I will be in the same place I was 3 or 4 or 5 years ago but I won't have time to change what I should have been working on all that time ago.

So in conclusion, yes, I am doing this in support of my husband and that won't change. What has changed is my appreciation for what this way of eating is doing for me, what I couldn't do for myself. It's changing my life and I'm so grateful that my husband and I are going through this together and that it's something that is impacting our lives now and will have future blessings and benefits as well. So even though it didn't seem like a great thing at the beginning and it felt impossible (learning to cook and bake all over again) at times I am so glad and grateful to be eating this way and making these choices one day at a time.

I hope you can get to a place of peace about what you can eat and why you are doing it as well.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Cauliflower PizzaCrust 


2 Heads of Cauliflower
1,1/2 Cups of Mozza Cheese (on our diet we have to use Cheddar Cheese)
1 tsp oregano (dried)
1 tsp basil (dried)
2 Eggs (beaten slightly)


  1. Chop up the Cauliflower into bite sized pieces and put them in your food processor until rice sized.
  2. Put the ground up cauliflower into a pan on medium heat and saute it until translucent (it needs to be hot and change color)
  3. Meanwhile in a bowl beat the egg and oregano and basil together, then add the cheese.
  4. Have 2 cookie sheets ready with parchment paper on top (THE PARCHMENT PAPER IS IMPORTANT).
  5. Mix the hot cauliflower with the egg and cheese mixture. Mix until it's equally blended and the cheese is melted.
  6. Divide your dough onto the 2 trays equally.
  7. Pat with your hands until you are satisfied with the size and thickness of your crusts.
  8. In a preheated oven bake your crusts at 400 F for 25 minutes
  9. Take cooked crust out of the oven, hold the pan in one hand (it's hot so wear an oven mitt) and the parchment paper in the other. Pull the parchment paper off the pan sideways and when it looks like there is room flip the pizza crust onto the pan and peel the parchment paper off. This should be done very easily without anything falling apart.


  • If you notice a lot of liquid coming out of your dough when it's in the raw stage just mix the liquid back in (no big deal, it will be gone after cooking). 


Monday, January 14, 2013

What To Do When Going Out

So I have a super fun dinner date coming up next week with a long time friend at a sushi restaurant, which by the way is my absolute FAVORITE! I have talked to my husband and he said it was okay for me to eat sushi even though RICE, SEA WEED, and I'm sure the IMITATION CRAB isn't included in our diet. Yes, I'm talking about California Rolls (a weakness of mine).

Now since I'm not actually allergic to anything or sick I've been really tempted to just go to dinner and enjoy these California Rolls. I already decided that I wouldn't indulge in Miso Soup or my favorite Explosion Roll due to the fact that the dressing is sure to have sugar and parts of it are deep fried. However rice and sea weed are not bad foods for you.

The dilemma I find myself in is that I am doing this diet purely in support of my husband. My first excuse is he doesn't like sushi and second is, he will not be at the dinner. I guess what I'm having a fight with in my conscious is that he cannot go to a favorite restaurant of his and indulge in a special dinner even if it's foods that are not "bad" for a person.

My alternative is to be SUPER ADVENTUROUS, order Sushimi and eat that WITHOUT the rice. This would be in keeping with our diet and would definitely stretch me and be something that he and I could do if he so chose to participate in tasting raw fish with nothing to go with it. My heart says that is what I will do. I don't want to be a stumbling block for him when he faces temptation later on down the road. It's different for him as it's his health on the line and I don't want the thought in his mind to be "well if she can't do it, what makes me think I can?"

Well dear readers, that settles it. My sushi date will be like no other I've ever been on. I may need to have a salad or something afterwards to fill up, as raw fish tastes okay but I really don't love the texture.

I hope this gives you the courage to keep going with your restrictions and that you will know that someone else is going through what you are, because she wants to support her husband and for right now, all of you!

Artichoke Dip - Amazing Stuff Here

Artichoke Dip

Inspiration from Martha Stewart recipes but completely adjusted by me, Laura Oosterom and written as such.
This dip is good with freshly chopped mushrooms and peppers. Cut them large enough to dip into this hot dish!


2 cans (14 ounces each) artichoke hearts in water. Rinse, and Drain.
3/4 Cup Home Made Mayonnaise
1/2 of Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese
1/2 a Freshly Squeezed Lemon (take out the seeds!)
1-2 Garlic Cloves Crushed
1 Scallion Minced

Mushrooms, Peppers and other Veggies of your choice for dipping (or rice crackers if you can have them - I can't).


  1. Preheat oven to 425 F
  2. In a Food Processor put all of the ingredients in together (may also add a bit of salt and pepper to taste if you want).
  3. Transfer mixture to a 1 quart baking dish. Top with Extra Parmesan Cheese if you want to and place in the oven
  4. Cook for 30-35 minutes or until golden and bubbly

This dish is rich and should be consumed sparingly or used as a party dish so many people will help you to eat it! Enjoy it as it's sooooo good!!!

Roasted Chicken

Roasted Chicken

Super Easy and will change the idea of dinner in your home forever!


1 Roasting Chicken, 4-5 pounds
1/2 a Lemon
Salt and Pepper to Taste
1 Small Onion Quartered
Fresh Basil
Spices: Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley, Oregano, Onion, Basil, Cumin (if you like it)


  1. MAKE SURE YOUR CHICKEN IS 100% THAWED before the following steps are taken.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 F
  3. Check to make sure the guts and neck of the chicken are taken out of your chicken and wash your chicken in cold water. Let it drip dry and put it on the roasting pan.
  4. Mix your herbs with a bit of oil and rub all over the outside and inside of the chicken.
  5. Place onion, fresh basil and lemon inside the chicken cavity.
  6. Sprinkle on the salt and pepper (put a little salt inside the chicken cavity too).
  7. Bake for about 20 minutes per pound. The internal temperature of the chicken should be at least 165 F
  8. Can baste with oil or butter occasionally to keep the skin moist


  • If your chicken has clear juices running out when you poke it, it's done.
  • If the meat on the legs and thighs of the chicken has a slight pink tone to it, it's done (the dark meat tends to hold onto the pink color for some reason).
  • If your chicken is looking a little darker than you like and still has time left to be cooking make a tin foil tent over it and put it back in the oven for the remaining time.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Blueberry Almond Muffins

(Courtesy of Eat Well Feel Well by Kendall Conrad, Fwd by Elaine Gottschall, M.Sc.)

These muffins are gluten free. They are made from almond flour which is quite expensive but worth it if you cannot eat any alternatives.


3 Cups Almond Flour
2 Large Eggs
8 Tbsp unsalted butter melted (Make sure you melt it or your muffins will end up like little rocks)
1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Honey (depending on how sweet you like it)
1 tsp Baking Soda (I cannot use baking powder in my diet but if you can substitute it)
2 - 4 tsp Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Salt
1.5 Cups of Fresh or Frozen Blueberries

** If your dough is the consistency of cookie dough it's not runny enough. Add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water and that will make all the difference!


Preheat the oven to 300 F. Line a standard 12 - cup muffin pan with paper cupcake liners (I use 12 silicone cupcake liners on a cookie pan and it works much better). 
In a food processor, puree the almond flour, eggs, butter, honey, baking soda, vanilla and salt until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and gently fold the blueberries in. With a big spoon scoop the batter into the individual cupcake liners. Bake for 40 - 60 minutes or until golden brown and cooked all the way through. Serve warm with butter and honey drizzle YUMMY! 

Notes:  A note about Almond Flour is that it will leave your baking dense, moist and will take a long time to bake. Give yourself an hour and a half at least for this recipe.

Raw, before baking
Baked muffin, bottom pic
After they come out of the oven picture

Peanut Sauce

To be made in a small pot to avoid a lot of dishes :)


1/2 Cup Water
1/3 Cup Smooth Peanut Butter (organic, peanuts only - NO ADDITIVES)
1 Small Clove of Garlic 'Minced'
1 Tbsp Honey (may substitute brown sugar)
1/8 tsp Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
1/2 tsp Soy Sauce (I leave this out as it's NOT in my diet)
3/4 tsp Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper to taste
A Dash of Pickle Juice (put in about 1 tsp if you aren't good with dashes)
1/2 tsp Sambal Oelek (I leave this out as it's NOT in my diet - Ask your grocer where to get it)


Mix all the ingredients in a pot, bring to a simmer mixing together with a spoon or whisk until everything is blended. Turn to a low simmer and mix for 2-5 minutes. Cool. Taste. Done!


Peanut sauce is great as a pizza drizzle, with rice (which is NOT a part of this diet), with chicken or with any type of spring rolls! Yummy!!!

** Please note that I may include some ingredients that are not on my diet in case you can have them because it does make for a tasty addition. HOWEVER if you cannot add them in like myself just add a little more pickle juice or lemon and it turns out brilliantly!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Salad Recipes to Come - BUT - Pictures Now

Strawberry and Prawn Salad
Cucumber and Egg Salad
Deluxe Salad
All of these salads are based on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. The are all lettuce based or spinach and have 1-2 kinds of meat protein added with lots of fresh veggies and fruits as well as sometimes nuts and seeds. Any dressings you see are either balsamic or a home made dressing or vinaigrette.
Chicken, Strawberry, Goat Cheese

Shakes: These make GREAT Breakfasts, Snacks or Dinners

Peanut Butter Banana Shake

Peanut Butter Shake


2 Bananas (must have brown spots on the peel to be ready)
1 Apple (cut and remove core and seeds)
1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Orange Juice (freshly squeezed yourself)
1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Yogurt (home made, lactose free)
1 Large spoonful of PEANUT BUTTER (organic - peanuts only, no sugar or additives)


Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend on high for 30 seconds - 2 minutes depending on how smooth you like your shake.
Pour and Drink Up.

You may add spinach and nuts (such as almonds) for a more textured, green, healthier shake.


Blue/CranBerry Shake

Very Berry Shake


2 Bananas (must have brown spots on the peel to be ready)
1/4 Cup of Blueberries
1/4 Cup of Cranberries
1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Orange Juice (freshly squeezed yourself)
1/4 - 1/2 Cup of Yogurt (home made, lactose free)


Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend on high for 30 seconds - 2 minutes depending on how smooth you like your shake.
Pour and Drink Up.

  1. You may want to take out one banana and add more blueberries for a more berry flavored drink. 
  2. You may also want to add vanilla yogurt (home made) instead of plain for a more dessert flavored drink. 
  3. Or you could freeze the shake, making popsicles instead of drinking it for a cool summer treat.

Cesar Salad Dressing - Make Your Own

Cesar Salad Dressing


1-3 Cloves of Garlic (depending on how much you like garlic - you can always add more later)
3/4 Cup of home made mayonnaise (see Mayonnaise page for recipe)
5 Anchovy fillets (again may only want to add 3 to start)
6 Tbsp of Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 tsp Dijon Mustard (may also use normal)
1 Tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Blend together all the ingredients except the salt and pepper
  2. Season with salt and pepper
  3. Taste . Adjust or Leave it
  4. Refrigerate till ready to use

Notes - I find this dressing is very tasty on:

  • Salad - As a dressing
  • Chicken - As a dip
  • Pizza - As either the dip or the pizza sauce itself

Home Made - Honey Mustard Sauce

Honey Mustard Sauce


1 Cup of Home Made Mayonnaise (see the Mayonnaise article for recipe)
3 Tbsp regular mustard
4 Tbsp Honey


Mix together and taste. Adjust for how you like the flavor to be.

NOTES I find this sauce amazing on: 

  • Salad - As a dressing
  • Chicken - As a glaze or dip
  • Pizza - As either the dip or glaze or the pizza sauce itself

Mayonnaise (The Real Thing)

Mayonnaise (The Real Thing)

*If you have a food processor you may double the recipe if you have a blender you can only make one batch at a time or it will not thicken properly.


1 Egg
1 Cup of Oil *use vegetable oil or it will taste gross
1 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice or white vinegar
1/4 tsp of dry mustard powder or regular mustard
salt and pepper to taste
a little honey (optional)

*may use a little garlic if desired


1. In your processor put everything but the oil and blend for a few seconds

2. While machine is still running slowly begin to pour your oil in a steady stream. The key is how slowly you pour it in, should take at least 60 seconds. If you pour it too quickly you will end up with a separated mess that has no use, must be thrown out and start again.

3. Stop your machine and taste the mayo. If you like it you are done, pour it into a glass jar and store it in your fridge. If you don't like the taste add what you want: sweet = honey, sour = vinegar or lemon juice, taste = s/p or mustard. Then turn the machine on, wait till it's mixed, taste again and keep going till you're satisfied.

Mayonnaise makes delicious Honey Mustard Sauce, Cesar Dressing, tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce and can also be used as a thickening agent.



Two things to note. First is raw eggs and the second is honey. If you have babies, are pregnant or breast feeding you will want to skip the honey (you could add a little sugar if you want but it's not in my diet) and you will want to "cook the egg."

To cook the egg: Place eggs (use 2 instead of 1) in a small saucepan filled with cold water. Bring to a boil and boil for one minute. Drain the water and put eggs in very cold water right away. Crack the eggs after a minute and use a spoon to scoop the yolks into your food processor or blender. Discard the egg whites. Follow the recipe as above but note that your mayonnaise will NOT become as thick as using raw egg would allow.

My Life in a Nutshell

Okay so if you are trying to manoever your way around my blog it's okay because it's VERY new and so am I. As I go you may find articles moving as I figure out where they should go and how to categorize them properly instead of having them all lump together. Don't worry, I'm a quick learner and hopefully it won't be long before I am in the swing of things.

So I started this blog because my friends have encouraged me to as I post recipes and encouragements on Face Book.

My husband Raymond is 28 years old, is 6'7 and has something called Ulcerative Colitis. Ulcerative colitis is a disease that randomly strikes men (sometimes women) in their early twenties or sixties. The bad bacteria in your body goes out of control and your body sees your large intestine as something to destroy, rather than the part of your body that digests food and eliminates waste. So you have to go to the doctor and get on all this horrible medication that is an immune suppressant and have colonoscopies and lose a bunch of weight that you may not have been able to afford in the first place. If you are having a flare up you will not be able to control when and where you have to go to the bathroom and many people with this disease are house bound during these times. It's embarrassing, debilitating and you may even end up in the hospital on a feeding tube if you get too out of control as your body can barely digest anything during a flare up.

My husband has been living with this disease for about 7-8 years now and we've been married for 2 and a bit. He heard about this diet from a friend whose son has crohn's disease, (a similar disease) has been on the diet and whose disease is gone, so I said "Why not?" I got rid of all of our food and restocked with "diet friendly food" and we've been on our journey for about 9 weeks now.

Our hope for this dietary change is that it will kill all the bacteria in his body and allow for a fresh start. Basically we are rebooting his system so that the bad bacteria goes back to normal and the disease disappears. It is a very difficult diet and is very limiting. While I do not suggest you begin our diet I do think it will be helpful if you have dietary issues of your own. For example we cannot have grains so every recipe I post is gluten free. We also cannot have any dairy so it is a lactose free diet as well. If you have a problem with starches and sugars well, we can't have those either.

Welcome to our lives and I hope our stories, recipes and encouragements help you and that my findings on GM products help you make wise decisions about the foods you and your family are digesting.