Saturday, May 11, 2013


So, for the past 6 months I have eaten my way to a 38 pound loss without working out at all (besides starting to hike once a week with my husband for our date day).

Today we got on our running shoes after I got home from work, put on a 30 day shred video by Jillian Michaels and did the first 20 minute workout of 30.

My goal is to tone up, gain definition and slightly increase my muscle mass. During the workout I'm using two, two pound weights strapped to my legs as well as lifting 2 pound weights for the weight required exercises.

I have decided to do the level 1 for 7 days, level 2 for 7-10 days and level 3 for 13-16 days depending on how quickly my endurance increases. I want to be able to do the whole video full out by the end and begin to form a habit of working out daily whether it's for 20 minutes like these videos, 1-3 hours of hiking on a Saturday.

My ultimate goals are to run a half marathon, be benching 110 lbs - 150 lbs consistently and continue to eat cleanly while introducing rice and quinoa back into our diet in 2-3 years.

Be encouraged, we're all in this together - btw, I made some amazing frozen mango, yogurt sorbet tonight and will post the recipe and pictures soon!

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